2015 Chinese Industrialization and Information Integration Forum Successfully Held
20th March 2015, Beijing—e-works, China Digital Enterprise Portal announced that 2015 Chinese Industrialization and Information Integration Forum was successfully concluded in Beijing.
On the 2-day forum, e-works has invited government officers of MIIT, manufacturing experts, economists, CEOs and CIOs, and consulting experts to attend the forum. Together they discussed transformation and upgrading of Chinese manufacturing enterprises under the new normal and Premier Li's Chinese manufacturing 2025 strategy. The forum was cosponsored by China Association of Mechatronics Technology and Application.
Professor Peigen Li, the fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering interpreted the 2014 top 10 Chinese manufacturing hotspots. They are as following:
Industry 4.0 boosts intelligent manufacturing,
Chinese high-speed railway, model of re-innovation,
Manufacturing and internet enterprises interpenetrated with each other,
Xiaomi puts smiling curve into practice,
Promoting servitization and building new growth points,
Booming robots is not the remedy for missing domestic core technology,
The rise of manufacturing customization,
Kunshan accident to admonish overall security management again,
BCG reports show that Chinese manufacturing cost advantage gone.
In addition, Professor Li analyzed "China Manufacturing 2025" strategy. He pointed out that "China Manufacturing 2025" should take No.1 manufacturing added value as its goal and advanced manufacturing, product engineering, technology innovation etc. as its methods.
Professor Peigen Li, the fellow of Chinese Academy of Engineering
Famous manufacturing innovation expert Mr. Min Zhao analyzed industrialization and information integration under the upsurge of Industry 4.0. Followed him, several specialized software vendors illustrated their understanding of Chinese manufacturing transformation and upgrading as well as their solutions, including vendors from Shengyi Technology, Cisco Systems, IBM, and Reijie Networks.
In the CEO Roundtable Discussion session, Dr. Pei Huang, e-works CEO hosted a discussion around Chinese manufacturing transformation in the "new normal". Five CEOs discussed the value and methods of transformation.
CEO Roundtable Discussion
On the day 2 of the forum, Mr. Jianwei Wang, Division Director of Information Technology Promotion Department of MIIT addressed the forum. He pointed out the emphasis of deep integration of industrialization and information.
Mr. Jianwei Wang, Division Director of Information Technology Promotion Department of MIIT
Dr. Huang introduced the hotspots and implementation strategy of the integration of industrialization and information technology. He analyzed the relationship between Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing.
Dr. Pei Huang, e-works CEO
Dr. Huang has started a discussion of Chinese manufacturing transformation in the presented enterprises and vendors. Representatives from Huaxiang Group, IntMES, HP China, Liugong Machinery, Shenzhen Bilian Electronic, and Kronos all shared their experience and technology development trend in the forum. CIO roundtable discussion brings a debate of how information technology should support enterprise transformation and how CIOs should get themselves transformed.
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