The members of e-works Chinese Manufacturing CIO club rapidly grows
Wuhan, China- In order to build a communication platform for CIO of Chinese manufacturing, e-works has founded CIO clubs, and aims to cover whole China. e-works manufacturing CIO club includes groups from main cities, main industrial verticals and main IT application areas. Till May 2009, e-works has formed Wuhan and Qindao city groups, MES, PLM and IT management and security groups. In June, e-works will form Beijing and Xiamen city group.

Wuhan group
e-works hosts several salons for the members, invites members to visit some well known local manufacturing companies, so that the members could share the knowledge and experience of IT application and discuss how to solve relevant problems. CIOs also discuss how to improve their future careers and how to get more support from senior managers, etc.

IT management and security group
e-works has developed an online communication platform, so that each group has it’s own home page on e-works, and could chat and discuss online.
For more information, please visit:
About e-works:
e-works portal ( is the most popular IT application portal, online media, and service platform in Chinese manufacturing IT application area. Started up at 2002, e-works company focus on providing knowledge, information and consulting service for Chinese manufacturing enterprises and IT vendors. There is a huge knowledge base of manufacturing IT application technologies, such as PLM, ERP, IT infrastructure, advanced manufacturing technology on e-works portal. e-works has become the best community for CIO and IT managers to learn the relevant knowledge and share their experience of IT application. By the end of 2008, e-works has over 400,000 members around China and abroad.
e-works portal ( is the most popular IT application portal, online media, and service platform in Chinese manufacturing IT application area. Started up at 2002, e-works company focus on providing knowledge, information and consulting service for Chinese manufacturing enterprises and IT vendors. There is a huge knowledge base of manufacturing IT application technologies, such as PLM, ERP, IT infrastructure, advanced manufacturing technology on e-works portal. e-works has become the best community for CIO and IT managers to learn the relevant knowledge and share their experience of IT application. By the end of 2008, e-works has over 400,000 members around China and abroad.