DS: Provide digital innovation platform by prospective technology
By the end of June, I went to Paris again to attend the global analyst conference of Dassault Systemes, the leading PLM solution provider. The conference was hosted at La Grande Arche, La Defense, the new business zone of Paris, so I had chance to see the modern Paris.
There were 17 distinguished industrial analysts from Gartner, IDC, CIMDATA, ARC, CYON, e-works, etc, attending the analyst conference. The analyst conference was hosted together with DS Application Summit, which was hosted for the business and technology partners of DS to show the technology trend of DS.
Mr. Bernard Charles, the CEO of DS
Bernard described the purpose of DS: Dassault Systemes provides business and people with 3D lifelike universes to imagine sustainable innovations capable of harmonizing products, nature, and life.
The purpose of Dassault Systemes
The revenue of DS was €
The evolution of DS vision
Mr. Dominique FLORACK, senior executive VP Product R&D of DS introduced the cloud computing, mobile application and online application strategy on the event. DS announced the cooperation with Amazon to deploy cloud computing platform of V6.

The frame of DS V6 cloud architecture
Dominique introduced the vision of next 10 years: Product in life. I think that means, DS will focus on providing V6 as a powerful virtual lifelike experience platform to support the design, simulation, manufacturing, operation and maintenance of the product, and enable the engineers of R&D, process planning, production and service to simulate the performance of product running in the real circumstance during the R&D and production phase, and to ensure the quality, Price Performance Ratio, reliability, and environment friendly, finally, bring better experience for the users of the product. So, DS could bring business value for the V6 customers and help them improve product innovation ability.
DS also highlighted Social innovation on this event, and emphasize the value of community for product innovation. On the SWYM online community, 3D STORE is available now. The users could subscribe online applications, such as n!Fuze, the online collaboration solution for SolidWorks users; n!Volve, the service that provides the collaboration platform for the V6 Online portfolio of products to utilize on the cloud and on premise collaboration platforms; and DraftSight, the free 2D CAD which has been subscribed for over
DS emphasized that V6 is an open and Open Organic Architecture. The goal of V6 is build an integrated, open digital innovation platform for the customers in 11 industries. So, the customers could just use the total solution from DS and add on solution from DS partners to fulfill the whole product innovation process, and need not use products from the competitors of DS. Certainly, V6 also has powerful integration capability to other application software with open architecture.
To realize the goal of V6, DS extends and improves the function of CATIA、DELMIA、SIMULIA V6 steadily. ENOVIA V6 has been the collaboration hub of the whole V6 platform. Through the acquisition, SIMULIA has built complete SLM capability, to realize multi-disciplinary simulation and optimization. Exalead brought DS with cutting edge enterprise level information search engine, so the customer could share knowledge and product information much easier. 3D VIA help the customers to experience the virtual product and could be used in the service and maintenance of the product. SWYM build the online community of DS. Ds also provide system engineering solution to improve and optimize the performance of complex product system. DS also improve the design and production of composite materials. And now, DS starts the journey of going to cloud with V6.
DS accelerates the convergence of SolidWorks, and SolidWorks will base on V
The product branding of DS
In 2011, DS acquired Enginuity, which is a leading PLM solution provider serving CPG, life science, and other formula based production industries, to extend the industries of V6 . DS also acquired Intercim, a MES vendor which has few customers in aerospace and aviation, pharmacy, oil and gas industry, so that Delmia could provide close loop solution from digital manufacturing to the execution of real production. DS also announced the strategic investment to the start-up SaaS service provider, Outscale, to enable the cloud service of DS.
The application of DS V
When analyzed the vision “product in life”, DS introduced the cooperation with a Chinese engineering company, SMEDI, to show the application of virtual design solution based on DS V6 technology in AEC industry.
Analyzing the impact of municipal project to the surrounding environment of city
Now, DS serves 11 industries including automotive, aerospace, shipbuilding, industrial equipment, high-tech, consumer goods, CPG, life science, construction, energy and business service. Now, DS has several well known customers in fashion, cosmetics and even retail industry. DS provides a very interesting solution for building 3D virtual shop. DS also pay much attention to enlarge the business in new energy industries. There are professional industrial teams to utilize the power of V6 and service the unique requirements of different industries.
The customer upgrading to V6 is growing steadily. There were 450 enterprises moved to V
Extending the functions of V6 through open organic architecture
Integrating with other applications through V6 open organic architecture
V6 is really an aggressive plan. DS is building an open, integrated product digital innovation platform for the customers to win in this Web 2.0 era. However, the risk of this strategy is that, when the potential customers choose PLM solution, they have already used several design and simulation software, and even PDM system, so they need to consider many integration and compatibility issues, and the key points of competition is the PLM platform.
DS is planning to double the revenue in 2014 than 2009. How can DS fulfill this aggressive goal, let’s watch.